The original manga that became a legendary anime franchise, now in a complete collector's box set. Includes three large-sized hardcover volumes, plus a collectible lithograph by creator Shirow Masamune.
Deep into the twenty-first century, the line between man and machine has been blurred as humans rely on the enhancement of mechanical implants and robots are upgraded with human tissue. In this rapidly converging landscape, cyborg superagent Major Motoko Kusanagi is charged to track down the craftiest and most dangerous terrorists and cybercriminals, including "ghost hackers" who are capable of exploiting the human/machine interface and reprogramming humans to become puppets to carry out the hackers' criminal ends. Gift box of Shirow Masamune's original manga plus a full-color lithograph. One of the essential roots of modern sci-fi. The Ghost in the Shell.
The Ghost in the Shell 1.5: Human-Error Processor. The Ghost in the Shell 2: Man-Machine Interface. In revised translations with new lettering, marking the first time the entire series has been made available in the original, right-to-left, "Japanese-style" reading format. The durable, matte-coated box also includes a full-color lithograph compiling all of the color chapter title pages by Shirow, suitable for framing. No collection is complete without it - making this the perfect holiday gift for the science fiction/cyberpunk fan, whether they're already a manga expert or have yet to explore this important landmark.
7.39 x 2.83 x 10.53 inches.